How to Edit Moving Background Photos on Android

How to Edit Moving Background Photos on Android

There are many photo editing applications that can be downloaded and used for free via the Google Play Store. From the number of applications created, here we will discuss a unique application called Zoetropic.

Edit Moving Background

The Zoetropic application allows users to make ordinary photos become as if moving. For example, you can move clouds, sea water in a certain direction and various other animations. Then users can share it on Instagram, Facebook, Twitter and so on.

Curious? Just download the Zoetropic application and install it as usual on Android. Then open the application and select the image you want to move.

Click the Motion button to determine the movement. If in one picture there are two motions that are grounded, you can add Stabilize so as not to collide. Next, select Mask to set objects that you don’t want to move.

If it’s enough, click the Play button at the top to see the results. The image will be saved in the form of a video, to save it click the Save / export Video button and in the next menu you can adjust the speed, audio or video if any, the video duration and resolution.